Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Reindeer Poop!

Ewww you say? Well this is what we put in the surprise stockings project for Austin's 3rd Grade class. We even made up a few extra to send to school with Ashlynn to share with her Kinder-Prep class. Fun stuff! What is it really? I dare you to try one...........hahaha! Just's really Whoppers! I was fortunately able to be in Austin's room when the kids opened their stockings and one little boy gave the most hilarious look when he saw this in his stocking. Too bad the camera wasn't handy!
Here's the phrase for you in case you can't see it well enough in the photo:
Santa checked his list, he even checked it twice
He found out that you haven't been very nice.
Since coal is expensive, here is the scoop
Santa filled your stocking with reindeer poop!

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