Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I got these cute tins from axman! Love that place :O)

I got the lockets off ebay and the chains I had to buy a big strand of chain and then added the clasps and end pieces myself.
Then I made a perfume to put on the inside of the locket. Using beeswax and jojoba oil, the perfume oil I used was Egyptian Shalimar. Love the scent. I spent over an hour testing scents at a local herb store, I left with a huge headache..lol
I found when I made the batch, it might not of been as strong as I could have made it.
I wanted the smell to come thru the locket so you could smell it outright but the smell of the metal itself from the locket was stronger. I was afraid to add too much. But if you rub and apply to the skin it leaves a very fresh scent.
I also made some for my daughter but added lip balm to the locket instead of the perfume.
After I made them I got to wondering if maybe the lockets had lead in them since I did get the locket from China, so again off to ebay, I ordered a lead kit and tested the locket and it came up free of lead. Would of hated to toss those all in trash..lol
It was a very fun project to make. I used a medicine dropper to add the warmed perfume waxes and oils to the locket. Had to do very quickly though cuz it cooled fast and plugged the dropper. I found I could usually do 2 lockets at a time, if I did it immediately. If I didnt do it quick enough it would splatter all over the locket and created a fun mess to clean up.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful lockets Kathy! It would have been really hard for me to pick a scent...I'm sure you did a fine job!
