Wednesday, July 8, 2009

1st Annual Walk Run Roll

I've been trying to get in shape this year and shed some pounds (haven't we all?). It has turned into a friendly competition at work and my boss challenged me to run the 5K with him on the morning of July 4. It was a fundraiser race for a brand new park that we are putting in our community this fall. I ran the full 3.1 miles three times before the big day to "train" for it but running on the track is nothing compared to running the hills and terrain at the State Park. It's been 18 years since I competed in Cross Country and this really brought back old memories. It was great fun though and I did finish the race with a reasonable time considering the course was not well-marked and we all ran an extra 1/2 mile. Here's a photo of my boss and I after running the race. Oh yeah, he beat me by 5 minutes....I'm never going to live that one down but he better watch out next year! But who knows, maybe I'll be ready to run the 10K instead? LOL!!! Did I say he's 55 years old? I'm really proud of him (he's lost about 40 lbs since February!). I've lost 25 so this has all been worth it.


  1. Awesome! I am soooooo proud of you! You look even thinner than a month ago, keep up the hard work!

  2. You go girl!
