Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Baking Cookies

Every month we have a cut file swap on the TSI Forum. I thought of one thing we do around Christmas time at our house that we take pictures of ......that needs a special embellishment to complete a layout. We always bake during this time and Ashlynn just loves to help. Austin always seems to show up in time to lick the spoon but that's ok! Here's what I cut for this round and I cut plenty before the swap sign-up deadline commenced so I have a few extra. For every person that comments on this post I will enter your name in a drawing for a set that will be mailed to you. To be eligible, all comments must be posted by Tuesday, December 15. Why not enjoy them in your scrapbook too?



  1. I just LOVE my set from the swap! Can I enter to win a second?? LOL
    I don't let my kids lick the spoon anymore..LOL
    Got paranoid about the raw egg. I'm depriving them huh!

  2. Adorable and would be perfect for Kennedy's book! She is like glue to me when I'm in the kitchen...and we are a spoon-lickin' family too :o)

  3. Hahaha, now that would make a cute pic Karla!

  4. that is a great layout. I make my husband help me he can wear the apron. Suzanne

  5. That is really a cute file. I would love to win it. I enjoy reading this blog. Pam

  6. Oh these are soooo adorable. They would be cute on the cover of a special cookbook too.

  7. What a cute file. I wish I would have had the time to participate in this swap, but I had committed to too many other things already. I am planning to participate in the next swap though.

  8. I love your file it is soooo cute. You come up with some really cute files. Thanks for sharing.
    Debbie B.
